Halloween Costumes for the wieners? Check.
Cooper will be a Devil, Mike an Angel. You really don't know how appropriate those costume choices are. Really, and if you need to hear about the infamous kitten eating fiasco let me know. Thankfully not my kittens (plural unfortunately). Cooper has had a long and winding journey to my house, lets just put it that way.
If anyone tells you there are more entertaining things to do than dress up animals in clothes? They haven't lived. I was laughing the entire time!
Well its going to be a long week for me!! We are busy throwing Memory Trends orders out the door at work, AND I leave Wednesday afternoon for the Bellevue convention, set up and taste test crop on Thursday, show all day Friday and Saturday, drive home Saturday night - late.
More news on the home front - I will be talking to a Realtor on Monday regarding buying a house in Portland and selling my house in Albany. We have been pre-approved for a new Mortgage so we are good to go. A lot to do here, cleaning, packing, purging. I feel like I just did this! Oh yeah, I did. We haven't even owned this house a year!!
I was telling Josh this afternoon that another year is going to go by without me getting to decorate for Christmas. I promised my friend Sue that I would get two trees this year to make up for last year, (she works for Weyerhauser) looks like I am going to have to get three next year... :(
Thanksgiving at my house this year too!! Josh called his moms bluff about letting us have it here. You wouldn't think I would be excited about hosting T-giving, but its better than traveling which is what we ALWAYS have to do. I look forward to sleeping in my own bed and enjoying my clean house. It WILL be clean by then. I hope.
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