Sunday, November 12, 2006

Do you ever want something so bad, no matter how irrational, that you can practically taste it?

Thats how I currently feel about this camera. The Nikon D200. Isn't it pretty. It better be for $2000+!! I don't *need* it. My D70 is a lovely little camera that has done me well. I do *need* a backup camera for sure, but yes, a used D70 for $400-ish off Ebay is a much more logical investment for the task. *sigh* I know all of that, but dangit it is SO cool. I hate technology. They just keep making things better and better.

The reason I need a backup camera? I have *SEVEN* weddings scheduled for 2007 already! So exciting.

I ran over Bambi on Wednesday on my drive home from Portland. :( I was crusing at 70 and all of a sudden I came up on a deer carcass in the road. It was pitch black so I thought it was just trash or somthing, but it didn't blow away. I was driving side by side with another car, so there wasn't anywhere to go but right over the front of it. I took it to Les Schwab to have it checked out, and they could hardly believe that I had really run over a deer. No damage at all thank goodness.

In other news, blustry night around here. Gusts are expected up to 60mph here and 80mph on the coast. My sister just called me from Bandon because she's bored because their power is out.

I hope Beths flight got off ok - you know I always worry when anyone flies, not just me! She got a hang out with me for a few hours this afternoon before flying back home to Alaska. We went to Target and Ross, then back to my house for my (read: Alton Brown's) famous stove-top macaroni and cheese and Cashew Butter - separately, not in the same dish.

Back to P-town tomorrow. I am meeting with a bride at Kells in Downtown, where her wedding and reception will be held. How cool is that?



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