Cloth diapers have been my obsession for a few weeks now. My mom and my Aunt Cathy have been very pro-cloth since the beginning and I thought they were crazy. While my mom wanted me to do a diaper service, thats not available here in BFE anymore, so I started looking into doing it myself - and OMG there are a LOT of choices!! Plus, I haven't even started yet, and already have nay-sayers, "Oh, that will last about a week" I have never been afraid of failing - but please let me have a chance to try first! Sheesh!
I remember Amber talking about cloth diapering about a year ago, and how one of the reasons she and BJ were doing it was because BJ hated the feel of disposable diapers. I didn't really think about it at the time, but looking back, it struck a chord with me - I hate them too! The thought of putting all that plastic in the landfills makes me feel bad (and I am not particularly "earthy" in any other way) and, since I am going to be at home with this little one most of the time, I don't have the luxury of needing that convienience. Trust me though, if I were working full time, I would be stocking up on disposables like there was no tomorrow right now!
Now, because I live in the middle of nowhere, I haven't gotten to see any of these in real life, except for the few I have purchased online already. I am hoping a trip to Portland next week remedies that - I am looking forward to checking out Wee Bunz in Corvallis, and thanks to a bunch of coupons I won on Ebay, a trip to Babies R Us to stock up on gDiapers - one of my choices:
gDiapers are a cloth/disposal hybrid. The outside is cloth, the inside liner is plastic and holds either a prefold diaper/cloth liner, or a biodegradable/flushable liner. The disposable liners can be composted/or flushed, or will degrade in 50 days in the landfill. My thought right now is to use cloth and make my own liners for home, and use the disposable liners for when we are on the road or at Grandma's house.
I have ten of these heading my way - BumGenius Bamboo fitted Diaper:

They get great reviews, and were cheap, so I couldn't pass them up!
I have a few more on my registry that I am hoping to see in person soon - my plan for the newborn days is to use Indian Prefold diapers with Thirsties covers:

Of course things may change, but I don't see any child created my Josh and myself to be small in anyway, shape, or form - so I am trying not to go crazy with the teeny tiny sizes, because I am sure they will be in them for a week, two max!! lol
Other brands I am considering are BumGenius 3.0 One Size:
And Fuzzi Bunz one size:

So, I think that's it for now - there are SO many choices, lots of handmade brands too! But I think I will try all of these out and see what I like best before I venture into that world! Wish me luck, and of course comment below if you have insight!
I remember Amber talking about cloth diapering about a year ago, and how one of the reasons she and BJ were doing it was because BJ hated the feel of disposable diapers. I didn't really think about it at the time, but looking back, it struck a chord with me - I hate them too! The thought of putting all that plastic in the landfills makes me feel bad (and I am not particularly "earthy" in any other way) and, since I am going to be at home with this little one most of the time, I don't have the luxury of needing that convienience. Trust me though, if I were working full time, I would be stocking up on disposables like there was no tomorrow right now!
Now, because I live in the middle of nowhere, I haven't gotten to see any of these in real life, except for the few I have purchased online already. I am hoping a trip to Portland next week remedies that - I am looking forward to checking out Wee Bunz in Corvallis, and thanks to a bunch of coupons I won on Ebay, a trip to Babies R Us to stock up on gDiapers - one of my choices:
gDiapers are a cloth/disposal hybrid. The outside is cloth, the inside liner is plastic and holds either a prefold diaper/cloth liner, or a biodegradable/flushable liner. The disposable liners can be composted/or flushed, or will degrade in 50 days in the landfill. My thought right now is to use cloth and make my own liners for home, and use the disposable liners for when we are on the road or at Grandma's house.

They get great reviews, and were cheap, so I couldn't pass them up!
I have a few more on my registry that I am hoping to see in person soon - my plan for the newborn days is to use Indian Prefold diapers with Thirsties covers:

Of course things may change, but I don't see any child created my Josh and myself to be small in anyway, shape, or form - so I am trying not to go crazy with the teeny tiny sizes, because I am sure they will be in them for a week, two max!! lol
Other brands I am considering are BumGenius 3.0 One Size:

So, I think that's it for now - there are SO many choices, lots of handmade brands too! But I think I will try all of these out and see what I like best before I venture into that world! Wish me luck, and of course comment below if you have insight!
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