Amber and BJs wedding was DEVINE!! Of course knowing Amber, it was all about the details. Buttons personally made for every guest (mine was an american flag, joshes was a microphone.) a photo booth that was packed all night, keys for every guest that could open boxes that contained prizes, a candy "bar," and open bar, cotton candy... I could go on and on....
I was not the official photographer - but amber knew I wasn't going to come without my camera. I'm mad at myself however - I had the ISO set wrong, so I didn't get very many shots, but I have put up a few here:
Amber and BJs Wedding Reception
There were so many good ones of her dancing with her dad that it was hard to choose just the two that I did. I will of course have my camera at hand for brunch tomorrow as well. We are staying at a pretty hotel tonight, but we will be heading back down to Albany tomorrow - maybe stopping to see Taylor skateboarding in Salem on the way home. So more tomorrow! TTFN
Thanks again for coming Angela! We love the pictures.
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