What a strange trip it was.... So I don't fly. Everyone who knows me knows this about me. Anyone who has flown with me in the past knows that I shouldn't be doing it... So - I have to go to Southern California for work last week. Josh needs some work done on his car, so I leave my car here for him to use, and take the train. Fabulous experience on the way down, I missed it here in Albany, so Josh had to drive me to Eugene to catch it there, but overall very nice. I got on, had some dinner, went to sleep and woke up in California! Fabulous right? Well - the way back, not so great. First, it was two hours late to leave Oakland - nighttime, downtown Oakland, not so fun. Then, not once, not twice - but THREE TIMES we had to stop in the middle of no where because they had to fix something on the tracks. TWENTY FIVE hours later I roll into Albany. Not at 1:30pm Sunday afternoon with plenty of time to catch the Superbowl commercials, but MIDNIGHT....argh.

<------This one was taken during the three hour stop in Klamath Falls.
Had a great time in So Cal. though. Worked a ton, saw Beth - hi Beth!! Her hubby is home on leave, so I don't think she'll see the internet this week ;)
I didn't get my teeth fixed, I will have to have all my wisdom teeth removed in Oregon instead. Cheaper that way I'm sure, but no mom here to take care of me... My "wife" Traci is a great mom substitute however!
Thats about it - back to work tomorrow. TTYL - a.
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