I just *love* it when Josh works the early morning shift.... not really. I would rather continue my life without being aware that there are actually *two* 3:30's in the day. I don't complain too much - because I am not the one driving to work - but its still annoying. The wieners want out of bed as soon as they hear the garage door open. And once I open the bedroom door and see the bright glare of the hall light - I am awake too. Now, said wieners are asleep on their bed under piles of blankets, and I am sitting bleary eyed at my computer with not enou
gh coffee left. I never can make coffee right if I don't make a whole pot...
Some wiener drama this week. Josh got the boys this huge bone over the weekend. Of course it was every dogs dream: a bone as big as they are! Cooper was fine, but Mike was puking all day Tuesday and into Wednesday. I brought him into the vet on Wednesday afternoon. After TWO hours of sitting and waiting - they basically told me to give him some Pepto and watch his poop to make sure that the bone fragments were coming out ok. And, oh yeah, no more bones.
Taylor rocked at the Skateboarding event on Sunday - so fun to watch him. I really wish I knew how to skateboard. My balance and coordination never could accommodate that - even before my ass was this size.
My engagement shoot was canceled for tomorrow. The groom was in a car accident, so we'll try again when the bruising goes down. SO - I am open tomorrow :) If you have been wanting to schedule that family portrait session give me a call!

Some wiener drama this week. Josh got the boys this huge bone over the weekend. Of course it was every dogs dream: a bone as big as they are! Cooper was fine, but Mike was puking all day Tuesday and into Wednesday. I brought him into the vet on Wednesday afternoon. After TWO hours of sitting and waiting - they basically told me to give him some Pepto and watch his poop to make sure that the bone fragments were coming out ok. And, oh yeah, no more bones.

My engagement shoot was canceled for tomorrow. The groom was in a car accident, so we'll try again when the bruising goes down. SO - I am open tomorrow :) If you have been wanting to schedule that family portrait session give me a call!
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