I know allergies can't kill you, but I think they are coming close this year.
Last weekend was a migraine for most of Sunday - today was a 2 hour unintentional nap.
I drove down to meet Colleen in Eugene. Driving through the "Grass Seed Capital of the World" the whole way down. Literally from 1 mile south of my house to 1 mile north of Eugene (40 miles total) is one big field of allergy. I picked up Colleen at the Monaco Coach factory so she could go shopping with me while Glen (visiting from Australia) took the tour.
First stop was a couple of garage sales I found on Craigslist. Now, I watch my buddies Amber and Sharyn go sale-ing all the time and I love seeing their treasures. I however, don't get my butt out of bed early enough generally and I usually have better luck finding bargains at the mall, or Ross. But I hit the motherload this trip. I have been thinking about starting a new collection: antique cameras, perhaps even using them!
I saw these babies sitting out on a table and scooped them up, casually asked Colleen to loan me the money, and practically ran to my car with giddy excitement. Aren't they pretty? And both
of these, along with the flash for the camera were a total of.... wait for it..... $1.75!!!! So cool. The one on the left is actually a Brownie 8mm video camera. Since Josh is a Videographer I figured it could also be included in my camera collection :)
I also got two white button up shirts and a beautiful clock for my guest room - all for under $5 total.
We ate lunch at Red Robin, and I drove home through the Valley of Death, I mean the Willamette Valley, and got home about 3:30. I sat in the yummy leather chair and pretty much passed out until Josh walked through the door at 5:15. This is the worst my allergies have been in about 8 years - I am going to blame global warming.
Last weekend was a migraine for most of Sunday - today was a 2 hour unintentional nap.
I drove down to meet Colleen in Eugene. Driving through the "Grass Seed Capital of the World" the whole way down. Literally from 1 mile south of my house to 1 mile north of Eugene (40 miles total) is one big field of allergy. I picked up Colleen at the Monaco Coach factory so she could go shopping with me while Glen (visiting from Australia) took the tour.
First stop was a couple of garage sales I found on Craigslist. Now, I watch my buddies Amber and Sharyn go sale-ing all the time and I love seeing their treasures. I however, don't get my butt out of bed early enough generally and I usually have better luck finding bargains at the mall, or Ross. But I hit the motherload this trip. I have been thinking about starting a new collection: antique cameras, perhaps even using them!
I saw these babies sitting out on a table and scooped them up, casually asked Colleen to loan me the money, and practically ran to my car with giddy excitement. Aren't they pretty? And both

I also got two white button up shirts and a beautiful clock for my guest room - all for under $5 total.

We ate lunch at Red Robin, and I drove home through the Valley of Death, I mean the Willamette Valley, and got home about 3:30. I sat in the yummy leather chair and pretty much passed out until Josh walked through the door at 5:15. This is the worst my allergies have been in about 8 years - I am going to blame global warming.
oooh, cool treasures! becky thompson has a cool antique camera collection, i've always envied that
and i love red robin - you've succeeded in making me starving
and i think the allergies are worse this year - hope it gets better for ya!
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