OK - so I am watching American idol by myself - Traci had to up and go to Boston instead of hang out with me this week - the nerve). So, you will need to bear with my commentary. Spoiler alert if you haven't watched yet :)

Celebrated my birthday (a smidge early) with my parents at my house last night on their way to Idaho - super fun. Dad took over the big new (to us) chair (thanks to Amber) and watched the Golf Channel while Mom and I went to the monthly hooking meeting in North Albany. He also figured out how I can get my camera to go to 3200 ISO! Woo Hoo ! I know this won't be interesting to most - but I love learning what that camera can do! Canon is slowly but surely winning me over.

I am attempting the Amtrak again this weekend. Please train gods - don't punish me like you did the last time. I seriously pray that they trip home takes the normal 15 hours rather than the 25 it took in January. I am bringing hooking this time - so maybe I will actually get something accomplished. Since I am not taking my car Josh is getting my car windows tinted for me for my birthday present :)
I am taking the train down to visit my Grandpa and Nana in Walnut Creek California. May 24th is his birthday too! I was his 59th birthday present :) He is turning 89 tomorrow!!! Big sis Mary is making the trip too. I hope to go into San Fran on Saturday. I have been dying to check out this store : Timeless Treasures
Our friend Jami came over and introduced the wieners to bubbles! I could tell they didn't like the taste - but they weren't putting 2+2 together about how the floating orbs of fun were contributing to the bad taste. They would look at me and stick their tongues out a few times, but as soon as the bubbles started again they were right back at it.

Heres to a new decade - cheers :)
- With that stupid "Golden Idol thing" they have Jumped the Shark. Bleck.
- Kelly Clarkson rocks however - love that chick!
- Smokey Robinson, seriously, back away from the Plastic Surgeon.
- How cool for Blake to get to perform with Doug E! Life highlight for him, I'm sure.
- I think Carrie Underwood is adorable - but whats with the prom dress over jeans?
- totally going to see Evan Almighty (watching in real time tonight)
- I want one of those kids in that choir! how stinkin cute were they?
- Seriously, stop with Sanjaya.
- Can that little girl not cry?
- So excited for So you think you can dance to start tomorrow!
- The new dance of the American Idols seems to be "Marching in Place"
- Love Jordin! So glad she won - I love Blake - but she is he whole package. Her parents are so cute! Winning for the big girls - gotta love her.

Celebrated my birthday (a smidge early) with my parents at my house last night on their way to Idaho - super fun. Dad took over the big new (to us) chair (thanks to Amber) and watched the Golf Channel while Mom and I went to the monthly hooking meeting in North Albany. He also figured out how I can get my camera to go to 3200 ISO! Woo Hoo ! I know this won't be interesting to most - but I love learning what that camera can do! Canon is slowly but surely winning me over.

I am attempting the Amtrak again this weekend. Please train gods - don't punish me like you did the last time. I seriously pray that they trip home takes the normal 15 hours rather than the 25 it took in January. I am bringing hooking this time - so maybe I will actually get something accomplished. Since I am not taking my car Josh is getting my car windows tinted for me for my birthday present :)

Our friend Jami came over and introduced the wieners to bubbles! I could tell they didn't like the taste - but they weren't putting 2+2 together about how the floating orbs of fun were contributing to the bad taste. They would look at me and stick their tongues out a few times, but as soon as the bubbles started again they were right back at it.

Heres to a new decade - cheers :)
They taught ya CPR at TT?
WAIT A SECOND!!!!!!!!!!! HOlD the PHONE!
Wasn't I supposed to be out there for your birthday? Gosh.
HAPPY 30TH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome to 30, baby! I ADORE the pic of you with the speed limit sign. I was scared to turn 30 but found there's not a thing wrong with it. I feel 23 yet have the wisdom that comes with 30 years of experience...it's a powerful feeling!
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