I got a lot done toady. Doing the flower petals like this makes it go so fast! I have one more done than this pictures that I hooked at night.
I am so happy that my vision is coming through! I so rarely know EXACTLY what I am going to do. But when I saw this gigantic rug last summer - I knew what it was going to look like when I finished it.
This is my favorite single flower so far.

So fun! Everyone keeps oohing and ahhing over it. I think mostly because it is SO different than what everyone else here is working on - but I am an attention whore - so it works out well for me.
I need to go into Tillamook today. Me, the queen of packing and the person who has enough clothes to clothe a third world country - only brought one pair of jeans. One. Seriously. For a whole week. Not going to work.
Loving it!!!
You know Colleen is going to say 'we hate proddy'!!
you have to hook really close under the petals to make it stand up!!
Your favorite 2nd generation hooker aunt!!
OK, I think I really need PLACEMATS Flowers! No matching rug, just these lovely flowers about the size of my Mom's Basket dinner plates with the petals coming out around the plate.
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