Wednesday, May 23, 2007

OK - so I am watching American idol by myself - Traci had to up and go to Boston instead of hang out with me this week - the nerve). So, you will need to bear with my commentary. Spoiler alert if you haven't watched yet :)
  • With that stupid "Golden Idol thing" they have Jumped the Shark. Bleck.
  • Kelly Clarkson rocks however - love that chick!
  • Smokey Robinson, seriously, back away from the Plastic Surgeon.
  • How cool for Blake to get to perform with Doug E! Life highlight for him, I'm sure.
  • I think Carrie Underwood is adorable - but whats with the prom dress over jeans?
  • totally going to see Evan Almighty (watching in real time tonight)
  • I want one of those kids in that choir! how stinkin cute were they?
  • Seriously, stop with Sanjaya.
  • Can that little girl not cry?
  • So excited for So you think you can dance to start tomorrow!
  • The new dance of the American Idols seems to be "Marching in Place"
  • Love Jordin! So glad she won - I love Blake - but she is he whole package. Her parents are so cute! Winning for the big girls - gotta love her.
So, its been a while since I blogged for real huh? Lots of catching up to do! I now know how to do CPR thanks to first aid training at work. Of course we took it very seriously.

Celebrated my birthday (a smidge early) with my parents at my house last night on their way to Idaho - super fun. Dad took over the big new (to us) chair (thanks to Amber) and watched the Golf Channel while Mom and I went to the monthly hooking meeting in North Albany. He also figured out how I can get my camera to go to 3200 ISO! Woo Hoo ! I know this won't be interesting to most - but I love learning what that camera can do! Canon is slowly but surely winning me over.

I am attempting the Amtrak again this weekend. Please train gods - don't punish me like you did the last time. I seriously pray that they trip home takes the normal 15 hours rather than the 25 it took in January. I am bringing hooking this time - so maybe I will actually get something accomplished. Since I am not taking my car Josh is getting my car windows tinted for me for my birthday present :) I am taking the train down to visit my Grandpa and Nana in Walnut Creek California. May 24th is his birthday too! I was his 59th birthday present :) He is turning 89 tomorrow!!! Big sis Mary is making the trip too. I hope to go into San Fran on Saturday. I have been dying to check out this store : Timeless Treasures

Our friend Jami came over and introduced the wieners to bubbles! I could tell they didn't like the taste - but they weren't putting 2+2 together about how the floating orbs of fun were contributing to the bad taste. They would look at me and stick their tongues out a few times, but as soon as the bubbles started again they were right back at it.

Heres to a new decade - cheers :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

They taught ya CPR at TT?

5/24/2007 10:32:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WAIT A SECOND!!!!!!!!!!! HOlD the PHONE!

Wasn't I supposed to be out there for your birthday? Gosh.

HAPPY 30TH!!!!!!!!!!!!

5/24/2007 05:26:00 PM  
Blogger Angela said...

Welcome to 30, baby! I ADORE the pic of you with the speed limit sign. I was scared to turn 30 but found there's not a thing wrong with it. I feel 23 yet have the wisdom that comes with 30 years of's a powerful feeling!


5/27/2007 02:32:00 PM  

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