Its been a long summer so far - and my house has suffered for it.
So - I have one Saturday off between June and September. Do I use this beloved weekend to sleep in? No, in fact Josh forgot to turn the alarm off, so I was up at 6:45a. Do I travel to a far away land to recharge my batteries and maybe get some sun on these pasty white legs? Nope. So what do I do? I arrange for a guy to come clean the carpets, and my sister comes up from Bandon to help me empty the house to do so. Thursday and Friday morning were spent emptying the back bedroom (the scrapbook room/computer room), the hallway and the living room.
So - we had the house emptied by 9:30 - with the carpet guy coming at 11. We used that time to go to *EVERY* furniture store in Albany looking for a new corner entertainment unit. Apparently that is strange request. Most stores had nothing that fit the bill - the others were tremendously over priced - some even had built-in fireplaces. So we bought a paper and hung out reading it on the back porch while the guy cleaned the carpets. In the back section of the paper Colleen saw a Corner Entertainment unit advertised in Sweet Home, so the trek for the day began. We thrifted our way from Albany to Jefferson, Lebanon to Sodaville to Sweet Home. After some time to wait for Josh to get off work to help us load it into the back of the truck, and yummy Mexican food for dinner - we ended up back at home with this:

I wasn't too sure about it when I paid for it, but it fits so perfectly in my living room - it isn't even funny. Its a custom made piece, its even signed by the guy who made it on the bottom! Oak isn't my favorite tree once it is cut into lumber - but this does match the fireplace mantle and the other wood accents in my house - so really, what more can you ask for.
The other reason Colleen was in town was to pick up a couch she had found on Craigslist a few weeks ago - so we were off to Philomath to pick that up last night. We saw a lot of the Willamette valley this weekend!
Now thrifting is one of my favorite things - and I love seeing what the best thrifter I know (Amber) brings home with her each trip. Myself however, I am lazy, and a packrat. So its hard to get to out of my PJs on a Saturday morning - plus I am usually getting ready to head out to a wedding. But, when I am on a mission and have a goal? I really love heading out with the Garmin and scoping out the coolest finds. I really couldn't thrift without a GPS - frustration would ensue.

So - at the insistance of Amber - I will share my finds :)
The most interesting find was actually that black camera case. Inside it had Hoya UV filters (which actually do fit on my Nikon 50mm lens), and a video camera lens adapter that we found on Ebay for nearly $100. I have a feeling that someone took the camera out, but didn't clean out the pockets. Quite the steal for $.50 (what happened to the cents symbol?) The Manilow album is for Eileen - she is a Fanilo.

The cameras are my favorite find. I decided to collect antique cameras a couple months ago - and I just love finding them. I am looking for working ones eventually to use for fn - but right now I just look for cool looking ones, and I think this one fits the bill. I love the built in bellows.
A few other finds - Colleen got a quilt for $2 that was beautiful! I bought a whole box of Christmas lights (that we put on the inside of our outdoor tent over the back patio), a few books and some brand new khakis and shorts. Except for the TV unit, I think I spent exactly $30.
On another note - the new season of "Feasting on Asphalt" started this weekend. Its Alton Brown from "Good Eats" riding up the Mississippi River on his BMW motorcycle eating at hole in the wall restaurants. I love Alton Brown - I would love to be his photographer on this show - it looks like so much fun. Last year he went from South Carolina to Los Angeles. I need to figure out how to get him down the West Coast next year so he can hire me to go along - although his current photographer is amazing :)
So - I have one Saturday off between June and September. Do I use this beloved weekend to sleep in? No, in fact Josh forgot to turn the alarm off, so I was up at 6:45a. Do I travel to a far away land to recharge my batteries and maybe get some sun on these pasty white legs? Nope. So what do I do? I arrange for a guy to come clean the carpets, and my sister comes up from Bandon to help me empty the house to do so. Thursday and Friday morning were spent emptying the back bedroom (the scrapbook room/computer room), the hallway and the living room.
So - we had the house emptied by 9:30 - with the carpet guy coming at 11. We used that time to go to *EVERY* furniture store in Albany looking for a new corner entertainment unit. Apparently that is strange request. Most stores had nothing that fit the bill - the others were tremendously over priced - some even had built-in fireplaces. So we bought a paper and hung out reading it on the back porch while the guy cleaned the carpets. In the back section of the paper Colleen saw a Corner Entertainment unit advertised in Sweet Home, so the trek for the day began. We thrifted our way from Albany to Jefferson, Lebanon to Sodaville to Sweet Home. After some time to wait for Josh to get off work to help us load it into the back of the truck, and yummy Mexican food for dinner - we ended up back at home with this:

I wasn't too sure about it when I paid for it, but it fits so perfectly in my living room - it isn't even funny. Its a custom made piece, its even signed by the guy who made it on the bottom! Oak isn't my favorite tree once it is cut into lumber - but this does match the fireplace mantle and the other wood accents in my house - so really, what more can you ask for.
The other reason Colleen was in town was to pick up a couch she had found on Craigslist a few weeks ago - so we were off to Philomath to pick that up last night. We saw a lot of the Willamette valley this weekend!
Now thrifting is one of my favorite things - and I love seeing what the best thrifter I know (Amber) brings home with her each trip. Myself however, I am lazy, and a packrat. So its hard to get to out of my PJs on a Saturday morning - plus I am usually getting ready to head out to a wedding. But, when I am on a mission and have a goal? I really love heading out with the Garmin and scoping out the coolest finds. I really couldn't thrift without a GPS - frustration would ensue.

So - at the insistance of Amber - I will share my finds :)
The most interesting find was actually that black camera case. Inside it had Hoya UV filters (which actually do fit on my Nikon 50mm lens), and a video camera lens adapter that we found on Ebay for nearly $100. I have a feeling that someone took the camera out, but didn't clean out the pockets. Quite the steal for $.50 (what happened to the cents symbol?) The Manilow album is for Eileen - she is a Fanilo.

The cameras are my favorite find. I decided to collect antique cameras a couple months ago - and I just love finding them. I am looking for working ones eventually to use for fn - but right now I just look for cool looking ones, and I think this one fits the bill. I love the built in bellows.
A few other finds - Colleen got a quilt for $2 that was beautiful! I bought a whole box of Christmas lights (that we put on the inside of our outdoor tent over the back patio), a few books and some brand new khakis and shorts. Except for the TV unit, I think I spent exactly $30.
On another note - the new season of "Feasting on Asphalt" started this weekend. Its Alton Brown from "Good Eats" riding up the Mississippi River on his BMW motorcycle eating at hole in the wall restaurants. I love Alton Brown - I would love to be his photographer on this show - it looks like so much fun. Last year he went from South Carolina to Los Angeles. I need to figure out how to get him down the West Coast next year so he can hire me to go along - although his current photographer is amazing :)
awesome finds man. I have a small collection of old cameras too, love having them out.
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