Its a....... BABY!
Glad its still in there - I apparently have an anterior placenta - meaning that the placenta is between my skin and the baby, so that's why I haven't felt much movement.
The little one wasn't very cooperative at the ultrasound, so I may have to go back for a second one, depending on if the doctor likes all the angles that they were able to get. The tech had us turn our heads when she scanned down to the "danger" zone - although from what she was saying, it has its little legs crossed and wasn't being helpful in that area anyways, so we probably wouldn't have been able to find out the sex even if we had wanted to. The techs were so supportive about us not finding out - even saying that they don't like to even see what it is if we don't :)
Glad its still in there - I apparently have an anterior placenta - meaning that the placenta is between my skin and the baby, so that's why I haven't felt much movement.
The little one wasn't very cooperative at the ultrasound, so I may have to go back for a second one, depending on if the doctor likes all the angles that they were able to get. The tech had us turn our heads when she scanned down to the "danger" zone - although from what she was saying, it has its little legs crossed and wasn't being helpful in that area anyways, so we probably wouldn't have been able to find out the sex even if we had wanted to. The techs were so supportive about us not finding out - even saying that they don't like to even see what it is if we don't :)
Oh the baby looks so cute and perfect! I'm so happy for you guys. I had the same placenta, drove me crazy until maybe 24 weeks when I really started feeling her move more, just you wait!
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